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Deshpande, and

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Sonali Deshpande

As an accomplished software developer with a Master’s Degree in Sciences, Sonali didn’t originally plan to launch a local marketing company. However, one thing she realized early in her career that she was good at working with people and built the 'know, like & trust" foundation. 

So she decided to switch gears and focus on what she was more passionate about – people and small businesses. She learnt the technical side of marketing, and found there was a greater need on the strategic side, especially for small, local businesses that depend on attracting customers from a very small geographic area. 

Earned a Certificate of Marketing Strategy, & Digital Marketing from Cornell University and founded InsiderTrendz in 2015. She applies all the skills that she learnt in software development, which combines extensive research, reliable processes and ongoing testing with a heavy dose of innovation and creative thinking.

Contact to schedule a 30-minute consultation with Sonali.

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